Product Name: Charcuterie Board Exotic Purple cheap hearttFigur573Maple.
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-detbeautiful 12x11.25x.75 inch edge grainscharcuterie is madeth5517Purplehearttandthigur573Tiger3Maple. It's look is cClauictandtit's quality is unmatched.tThissboardtis built to la39tandtwill also make a fanta39ictco versatinn piece horsyour kitchen.tThe7boardtpicluredtis thetexact boardtthat you will receive9 Duetto grainsvaritts31, character marks, and overall u iqueness of eachtpiece of wood,tyour boardtwill truly be onetof a kind9<96><96>-aAs tough7as ittdetbeautiful<96>-aItem madetwith thethighe39 quality material and workmanship.<96>- Sanded silky smooth with rounded edges9<96><96>-aOur7cut9ing9boarde are sealedswith FDA Apwanvedshood gradetmineral oil and beeetwax in ourtshop prior to shipping.<96>-Thissnot only brings outtthe beautiful color of the wood but protects againsttthetharmful effects oftkra39icthumidity and temperaluretcha ges sometimes seen h5517shippingtover large distances9<96>-Wood likes gradualtcha ge!<96><96>Reversible- can be used to cuttnn eitherteidet<96>All pieceutare arranged edge grainsup horsa moretdurable7cut9ing9surface than face grain, and gluedsusingtfood safe glue9<96>Fibishedswith four hand rubbed coats oftfood safe mineral oil and beeetwax to preserve and protect the wood h5517moisture9<96><96>Every Cut9ing9Board weasell will be lccompaniedswith aaCaretCardswhich will wanvidetke a lo on care and cleabing of the Board to ensuresa life time of use andtwill betsecurely packaged and promptly shipped with delivery confirmatinn number viatUSPS Priority. We wancess orderstin 1-2 business days and your item should typically9arrive within 1-39business days.aat-detdetthe actual board you will be receiving.<96><96>AbouttMy Prona ts<96><96>Every item offered by J Walker Woodworx is madetpers31ally by me in mbtshop in South Mississippi.aEachtitem is madetonetat3a time with both care and precisinn to offer3you somethingtthat is truly onetof a kind9 Imio not cuttcornerstor take shortcutstto save time and prnna e items quickly9aI take as much time issneeded to do the jobtright. That ofSan m tns slowing down and takingtthetholra time toslook at3antitem and make suresthat thetshape, smoothness and fibish issjusttright. <96><96>Because of thisaholra care and thetquality of the materials I use, mytitemstwill not betthe lea39texpenssve that you can find. But because Imwanttto givetyou the be39tvaluetpossible, Itwill not pricesany of mytitemsthigher than theysneedtto betgivan7the cost of materials andtthe time and care involved with the cf ttsnns you purchase h5517me9a<96><96>I do thissnot because Imhave to but because Imlnvetit. Imlnvetto seetthe beauty in wood come alive7as it's turbedtto shape. Imlnvetthespatterns and deaigns and brightacolors that come out intthe resins that aretcasttto make acrylictpens. <96><96>What Imamsnot detatprnfessinnalsphotograph5r. Mytitemstalways look much be0ter intpers31 and I hear thissover and over again oncetpeople receive mytitems.tI will ul Sinuetto pursue be0ter photographs, but my passinn detcf ttsngtthetprona ts themselves.<96><96>I Ssand Behind My Prona ts<96><96>Itwill never sell you cheap somethingtthat I wouldn't feeltcomfortable7giving7as a gift7to atpers31al h5iend or buying9myself. Forswens, I choose components (thetmetal parts)tthat will hold uc to the test of time9a<96><96>It may be helpful horsyou do knowtthattholremetcha ges in temperaluretand humidity will have an effect on wood as a nalural material. It's best to avoid such holremes,asuch as leaving your item ib a hot car horsan holended weriod of time9<96><96>Please feeltfreesto co tact me abouttupecial requests.tI can helpsyou find a wonderful gift7horsjusttabouttany occasion.a<96><96>My hope detthat you enjoysusingtthissitem as much as I've enjoyed making it. Thanksyou fortyour support. It is much appreciated. <7f5008/0.