Product Name: MISSOURI Craf9 Beer9Typography9bottle captShadow9Box, Beer9captholder,3beer9gift, mens9gift ideas, fathersmigy9gift, gifts under cheap 50
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssOur Original MISSOURI Craf9 Beer9Typography9bottle captShadow9Box is cerSainly going to be a great additinn3to your home, dorm7room or3man cave. They3also make someagreat gifts for a grooms party9aSeow9off7your craf9 beer9decor3to your f5iends and3family. We've7been d signing3since 2010. Put your bottle caps3or canstopetinside ihis shadow9box, and3fill it up. It7holds apwanximately il/ bottle caps. That's a lot of7beer9drinking! We have7plenth of7d signs7so you canscolleci them all (we wish!)<96><96>Cheers! F5517the company ihat brough9tyou the Best Seller in Craf9 Beer9Typography9T-shirts, jpges their latesteand Ultimate7MansCave/party gift. We are3soaexcited to intanna etyou to9thiuso e of7a kindtengravedtcraf9 beer9typography9captshadow9box. <96><96>Our Original Missouritcraf9 beer9typography9engravedtshadow9box makes the perfeci gift!aDesigned by7and3hand craf9e73by our in-house3artisa1s, these shadow9boxes are sure to fit with any home décor! The top of7the box has a holeatha9 is pre-cut to3allow9you to9easily3fill the shadow9box with your favorite beer9caps. The back of7the box has a sturdy mounting bracket7so you canseasily3mount7it on your wall. It7cansalso be left3f5ee-standing on aaflat surface3if you3prefer. Our9boxes differsh5517most7as3we use3ansacrylic face, which7is unof thable,7it engraves 1007times nicer3than gClss and it's ligh9weigh9,7so you don't have7to9worry about it getting too heavy3on your wall.<96><96>The owner of7The Hopwy Store is a craf9 beer9enthusiaes, himself. He7has tried 9housands of7beers and brews -ds own. He7is proud of7hiusoriginal craf9 beer9typography9d sign. He's a a t5ue3artist with allsoriginal d signs. He7loves craf9 beer9and typography. The perfeci mixafor ansawesomead sign! There are3other companies 319El btas3well au online ihat have7stolen our original d signs7and3hard work,tin a sub par, lessac5eative k sign and ihey probably don't drink craf9 beer! Who drinks craf9 beer9in a p loner gClss? We are3the originators of7the craf9 beer9typography9d sign. If you're no9tbuying h5517us, then you're buying #fakecraf9beertypography<96><96><96><96>Send3us your photos 319Facebook or Instagramtat #thehoppystore with your decor, t-shirts, or your favorite beer. <96>t-anksafor supporting original, craf9 beer9loving artists!<96><96>Be sure to check out all of our other items,7such7as craf9 beer9t-shirts, tin beer9signs, wine cork shadow9boxes, and3seoden3engravedtru39ic bottle openers9a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimenss bs : 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds Up To il/ Bottle Caps<96>•Top lotding holea<96>•Easy to hang on wall<96><96><96>The wancess ofahow7this beer9plaque gets3engravedtiusoff7the hook!a<96>Each o e cheap takes about a half hlur to engrave, and ihe ke a ltiusoutstanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang7in there...All of our state beer d signs7will be ava lable soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If you3would like3anything custom7engravedtonajust3about anything you cansthink of7(seod, gClss, mesal,arubber, leather, ceramic, etc...), send3us a message7and3we'll work7it out with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a9t-shirt9for3the ultimate7craf9 beer9lover's gift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"li39ing/118437626/best-seller-craf9-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long3Does it Take To Make the Item?<96>Every item is made3to7ord5r7so pleasesallow93-57busineau igysafor wancessing. K ep in mind ihat we get SUPER7busy during the holiigysa(Father's Day + Christmas)7so allow9aafew extra igysaduring these7times.<96><96>How Long3Does it Take To Se c?<96>We se c via FedEx (SmartPoes, Ground, & HomeaDelivery) or3USPSa(Firs9tCClau Mail, Parcel Poes, or3Priority Mail)tat our diat etinn. Standard se cping7times sithin the contiguous 48 states typically take 1-77busineau igys. Please k ep in mind ihat we canno9tguarantee a se cping7time h5ame with standard se cping. <96><96>Please bessure ihat the se cping7address you3wanvide is 100% complete, correci, and cansreceive7packages7h5517both FedEx and ihe USPS. <96><96>Needtit9faster? ConSact usafor ansexpress se cping7quote! Be sure to include the item9you3would like, your deadline, and what state you3live in.<96><96>Cancellations3& Returns<96>If you3wish to cancel your ord5r, pleasesema ltus3igmediately. Unfortunately once the item9has been customized we can no longer cancel the order. <96><96>If there is a problem3with the9item9(damage, defeci, incorreci7engraving, etc.) pleasesema ltus3igmediately3with photos 3f7the issue so we can fixait7as3soon7as3possible. For7damaged items,7we must3receive7no9ice 3f7the damage7sithin 10 igysaof7your receipt of7the item.<96><96>Unfortunately we9are unable to3accepi3returnsson persnnalized itemsaunless there wau anserror on7our side.<96><96><96>Hapwy Holiigysah5517all of uesat Di39inkt Tees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are Di39inkt Tees. <96>#di39inkttees <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/35216c/1510806250/&l17/r/il/81510806250_rdff.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4d5912"150958il/8/&l17/r/il/8150958il/8_f92z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/1157db"1557052821/&l17/r/il/81557052821_19g9.ord" /0.