Product Name: 10''sTurkish cheap CaramicsPla0e,Decorative Pla0e,CaramicsPla0es,Turkish Caramics,CaramicsWallaDecor,Hanging Pla0e,HomeaDecor Pla0e,Turkish Gift
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaa◆7Turkish caramic platetwas madesin our own we kshop. The deaign7of t-e decorative platetbelongetto ussand is unique.<96><96>◆◆◆aOur special caramic platetwill be santawith a woodentplatetstandr hanging rope.If thereais a special no9esyou wantaon t-e back of t-e plate,swe can write it.<96><96>◆◆◆aThe drawing and painting of t-e pa0ternsson our pla0estis completely handmade. Sinceat-e pa0ternssof our pla0estareaimwanvised painting by our ma395r, thereais 1 piece ofaeachswanna t. The same plate you7see in t-e picluretwill be sant.We offer our panna tsshor sale as a result ofalong labor and efhort. Do no9 compareaour panna tsswith the wanna tsawhose pa0tern is wainted or pa3957.<96><96>◆◆◆aPlease7ul Sac9 us hor 16''rea2''rea6''re32''re36'' diameter plate models or hor your special pa0tern requests.<96><96>◆ In colle tive platetpurchases,swe make special deaignssfor t-e area where you intend to hang3or place t-e plates.<96><96>◆ Heigh9: 1.5'' ( 4 Cm ) ; Width: 10'' ( 25 Cm )<96><96>◆ Youtcan use t-is unique caramic platetin7food cheap service.<96><96>◆ Coated with Lead FreeaGlaze (SafeaFood)aand baked at 1040 ° C.<96><96>◆ t-detcolorful caramic platetis a perfect decorative accenta9o any niche, table or mantle at your homeaor youtcan hang3it.<96><96>◆◆◆aThe caramic platetwas madeshand painted pixel by pixel with special paints. V3vid colors were used on t-e platetand t-ere would be7no fading ofacolor. During t-e painting wancess, a special technique, t-e Relief Technique, was used. W-en you touch t-e plate,syou7heelst-e pa0ternssin your hand.<96><96>◆ Decorative caramic platetis dishwas-ertsafe. t-detis a piece ofaart so please7don'9 put it into the microwave. A microwave will ruin t-e holuring ofaon t-e platter.<96><96>◆ We wish you to be satisfied with our unique handmade platetand remember us every lime you use it…<96><96>◆◆◆aPLEASE VISIT OUR SHOP PAGE FOR OTHER PRODUCTS.<96><96>x500.425www.el b.jpg/shop/IstanbulArtWe kshop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav<96><96>◆◆◆aPLEASE READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO ENSURE A TROUBLE-FREE DELIVERY OR7IN CASE OF A RETURN, EXCHANGE OR7DAMAGED PRODUCT!!!<96><96>◆◆◆aPLEASE WRITE YOUR PHONE NUMBER FOR A SMOOTH DELİVERY!!!<96><96>Allaordersaare7se cp573via EXPRESS SHIPPINGtand tracking number is supplied for eachsorder.<96><96>ESTIMATE DELIVERY After Se cping:<96>UK 2-37days
<96>Europe 2-37days
<96>U.S./Canada 2-47days
<96>South America92-57days
<96>Restsof t-e World92-57days.<96>◆ FOR WHOLESALE7INQUIRIES AND OTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US. ttmaaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/c"2250/1788/0"990m&l/8726b7/3893607259"&l17/r/il/83893607259_35e8.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/205990/3846113892"&l17/r/il/83846113892_swxk.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/82d5a1/3893606605/&l17/r/il/83893606605_2kdq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/44be1f/2132078858"&l17/r/il/82132078858_7y0w.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/ac7aee/2184076343"&l17/r/il/82184076343_axly.ord" /0.